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About me

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At the center of my profession is Prevention.
Implementing Prevention requires articulating Research, Teaching and Practice.
This is what I trained for and this is what I enjoy doing.

Graduate degrees


  • PhD- Cardiovascular Epidemiology, UNC at Chapel Hill, NC


  • MPH- Health Promotion & Education, USC, Columbia, SC


  • MD- School of Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Other training/credentials


  • European Lifestyle Medicine Organisation - Certified Advisor


  • Health and Wellness Coach- Mayo Clinic training


  • Positive Psychology Specialization- University of Pennsylvania


  • Tobacco cessation counselor- University of Pennsylvania


  • Risk communication: University of Cambridge, UK. Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication


  • The Peoples-Uni, Exercise Works, Manchester, UK:  Exercise and Health- a program for healthcare professionals: How to teach and promote active lifestyles


  •  Harvard School of Public Health: Teaching by the Case Method


  •  Tufts Health Care Institute: Information mastery & Evidence-based care. Applied Skills for Clinicians and Teachers


  •  University of Oxford, United Kingdom: Evidence Live- Updates in the practice and teaching of evidence-based medicine



Professional Organizations

American Heart Association - Epidemiology Council

​• American College of Lifestyle Medicine

• New York Academy of Medicine

• European Society of Cardiology/European Association for 

  Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation


Research Collaborations

NYU Nutrition Epidemiology, Mt Sinai School of Medicine, NYU Preventive Cardiology, NorthWell Health Preventive Cardiology.



I teach Research methods, General and Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Critically reading and interpreting medical literature, Lifestyle Medicine.  I am invited regularly to teach at NYU Nutrition Epidemiology Program, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, European Lifestyle Medicine Organisation.


Lifestyle Medicine

I started my work in Lifestyle Medicine about 20 years ago, as the Director of a newly founded Preventive Cardiology office. I crossed the ocean driven by the desire to learn more and do more. What followed was a long journey from clinical practice to research, teaching and back to practice. Research in cardiovascular field is fascinating. Yet, what we currently need most is implementation of what research has shown.

The 'other side' of my Bio

I am tired of a healthcare system where it is so, so difficult to do real prevention, as we know it should be done, 'by the book'. Hint: we do have the books and they are no secret. I am tired of a system designed to limit the time doctors can spend with their patients. I am tired of how easy it is for me to publish an academic paper about prevention, and  of how difficult it is  to see prevention implemented at system level. I am tired of the misinformation flooding the social media. So, I decided to take this into my own hands. We all have to take prevention into our own hands. Life & well-being, that's why.  

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